Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Please stand back from the doors ... doo doo doo doo doo

Another MTR story to tell, a depressing story I may add. First, the setting of the story: rush hour, evening hours, Hong Kong station to Kowloon station direction, train fully packed awaiting for departure. As soon as the alert (ie: doo doo doo doo doo) went off, a lady 1000000000 miles away with a huge bag over her shoulder got herself in a "get-set-go" position and sprinted towards the sliding doors, right into where I was standing. Fine! I let her squeeze in as much as possible while the doors were closing. O how great, her huge bag was caught between the two sliding doors.

The sliding doors stopped and remained in the semi-closed / semi-opened position for about 5 - 7 seconds without a single jolt before they resumed operations. It was at this moment when they doors closed that the "100m female sprinter" standing beisde me mumbled the following: "Oooh, are the sliding doors broken?" Gees lady, hellooooooo ... guess who broke them in the first place !?


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