Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beyond Pissed !

I am usually a very tolerant person, overly so according to some. For some odd reasons, maybe due to the heat, the lack of sleep or plain old mood swing, I was pissed by what happened during my MTR ride during evening rush hour tonight. It was something a lady did or the lack of that pissed me. Although the act (or lack of it) was not directed at me, I was pissed.

During the evening rush hour at the Admiralty station, the moment when I enter the train (or more accurately, being pushed into the train), there was this middle-aged lady leaning against the pole with her ever so large and thick back! It was rush hour lady, where am I going to put my hands when you have your back all over the pole? Should I hold your arm or neck instead? I stared right into her eyes along with a few others standing around the pole, but of course the lady did not twitch a single bit because she closed her eyes soon after our stares.

Seriously, I consider such an act worst than not giving seats to elders or pregnant women. The world selfish is an understatement in this case, it is beyond that. The incident of Mr. Pole Humper a month ago was just plain weird and sad, this lady is beyond that ... I am just speechless ...


Waisan said...

i have had similar experience. i recalled i actually went ahead and hold the handle. the woman who was standing with her whole back against the pole eventually backed off cuz it felt really uncomfortable to have a hand stuck right behind her back! lol

Jason said...

LOL ... now I know what to do next time !! ...

Lisa said...

Jason, I would say in English "Excuse me, move your back". When I'm pissed at locals, I usually switch into English and give them my best tourist shit. LOL... but I like waisan's answer too - that works.

Jason said...

LOL ... hey Lisa, I think both Waisan's and your suggestions are worth my try next time, and I am sure there will be a next time !!

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