Sunday, July 5, 2009

Better luck next time!

I heard the following conversations between a janitor and a gentleman in the bathroom while taking a leak in a mall this afternoon. (translated on a best effort basis)

Janitor: "Mark Six lottery is so hard to win. FxxK it, so difficult. And the line up is always long whenever I go buy the tickets. FxxK"

Man: "Yes indeed. Maybe try horse racing."

tor: "If my supervisor knows I go buy Mark Six during work hours, I will be fired for sure. Only if I win, then I can just quit and don't care about that son of a b_tch supervisor. FxxK. But my number picks just can't win. Why is that! "

I don't know about you, but I thought the point of lottery is not to be won that easily. Mark Six logo from: HKJC Lotteries Limited


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