Thursday, November 19, 2009

Allergy Attack!!!

I have been sneezing and "crying" all day long from my allergy attack!! I don't know how many times I sneezed today because I lost count around noon when it passed 50! My eyes are having tears and I have eyes that look like a new born baby, small and tiny! I have tried all kinds of medication and alternative medicines known to man kind. For example:
  • Chinese Acupuncture - poked! - have been poked by more needles than you can imagined! ... all over the body that is ...
  • Allergies Pills - swallowed! - I lost count in terms of how many off the shelf brands I have tried, I might be immune to all of them and
  • Steroid-ized nasal sprays - sprayed! - I had more than enough dosage to be disqualified for any kind of sporting events for the upcoming few years ...
There seem to be an increasing number of people in Hong Kong having various kinds of allergies and if your allergies involves sneezing and tears, it is more or less similar to mine and I have the few suggestions based on personal experiences not on how to cure it but to lessen the PAIN (those who have serious allergies, I am sure you know what I mean by the PAIN)
  1. Wear a mask to minimize the exchange of temperature-varied air. The constant exchange of air would trigger sneezing, so protect your nose at all cause
  2. Do not look directly into any bright light. Wear sunglasses if you can because the sun light + bright lights trigger tears.
  3. Stick two rolled up tissues up your nose / nasals, same effect as the mask!(maybe it is better to do this at home ... LOL)
  4. Wash your nasal passages with sea-salt spray which can be found in your nearest pharmacy
  5. No cold drinks or any alcoholic beverages! + No spicy food
  6. No coffee (or TRY to minimize the number of cups per day, it is the caffeine that would make you sneeze more, perhaps decaf would do the trick but then what is the point to have a coffee without the caffeine?)
  7. Do not use CHEAP tissue or Kleenex to wipe your nose or to sneeze, it will hurt your nose after 20 - 30 sneezes!
  8. Do not use CHEAP and single-layer tissue because they are CHEAP and not strong enough for your sneezes!!
That is all for now, time for me to get some rest! I feel stronger now because every time I sneeze, the sneezing movement pull my abdominal muscles (abs) as if I am doing the Captain's Chair or Bicycle Crunch exercises; very soon I will have awesome abs! Why paid for gym (or exercise for that matter) when I can get great abs this way!?


E said...

ahaha funny!
I suggest you to try some antihistaminics... very efficient to prevent allergies side-effects

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